Vision and Strategy for Economic Development

People and places in every corner of the world are searching for ways to generate sustainable economic development.  Successful countries, regions, cities, places and communities:

  • Have a clear vision of where they want to go and a strategy to take them there.
  • Invest in top quality infrastructure and services which provide a world class place for living, learning, leisure and work.
  • Attract and secure mobile foreign direct investment.
  • Deliver a supportive business environment in which indigenous entrepreneurs and enterprises can start-up, develop & grow.
  • Develop and market accessible tourist attractions and amenities in order to deliver overseas and domestic tourists, visitors & holidaymakers.
  • Provide modern communications infrastructure to ensure effective and efficient access and movement of people, goods, information and services to or from the area.

Moving from Theory to Practice in Economic Development

There are lots of theories, policies, strategies, visions and plans for innovation, knowledge economy, creative economy, cluster development, science and technology, to name but a few.  These are an important part of the economic development process.  

But wherever you are and whatever you do, you must transform vision and plans into action and visible results.  That is where the Thompstone Group can help.   Using a combination of our practical experience and strategic thinking, we work with people and places around the world to develop strategies and implementation plans to secure mobile investment, sustainable employment and wealth creation.


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We will be happy to discuss how best to apply our strategic thinking and practical experience to your needs. 

  • Recent Case Study:

    High-Technology Start-Up Business

    Evaluate potential and provide strategic roadmap for proposed new high technology business venture...


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